Speakers widget on home page not working as expected

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:10 am
I have placed the GK Speakers widget in the 'Speakers' widget area and it's not working as expected. I used the widget rules to have it show on the home page only. I get the title of the widget on the home page, but no images underneath it, so it's not working on the home page at all. And strangely, it's not showing on the other pages, but it is causing the header (grey) area to be taller than normal, pushing the white background of the page down below the page title and content, so the content is hidden in the grey area. When I remove the GK Speakers widget, it returns to normal.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:24 am

Details about speakers are here http://demo.gavick.com/wordpress/fest/?p=941
Please remember that the widget needs at least 6 speakers to proper work. If you need less amount of the speakers we recomment do use the Custom Text widget with proper structure – based on the GK Speakers widget.

As I wrote earlier the best option is to install quickstart package and compare settings and widgets..
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