Remove content from home page

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:02 am
I want my home page to appear as it does in the demo - with just the navigation, logo, animation, artists and footer. I have a page titled 'Home' where I removed the title and also made sure the social media buttons don't appear. There is no content on the 'Home' page. I still get a fairly sizeable white strip where the content would normally go. How do I remove that white strip?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:53 am

If you want to reproduce exact demo home page, the best option is to install the quickstart package. More details:

If you can't install quickstart package online, please install it on localhost and compare widget's settings on homepage.

The white strip is probably caused by .gk-page-wrap section's padding. Please send me an URL to your website here or using the PM message - then I'll make sure.
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