I am having a problem integrating WooCommerce into GameNews.
My client recently requested integration of e-commerce to a site that's almost completely finished using GameNews. I've highly redesigned the theme design but have not modified the core beyond some CSS.
We are only selling variations on one item -- a Gift Card at different price points -- so the shopping cart and checkout is a relatively small corner of the site.
I do realize that that GameNews (unlike StoreBox) is not set up for tight WooCommerce integration, so I need some advice or help here, and I can pay for consulting.
Path 1: My current status is that WooCommerce is 95% working using the simpler integration method, using woocommerce_content(). But, I cannot get the credit card form to show on the CHECKOUT » PAY page; only the totals and transaction number. I am using Woo's Authorize.net DPM plugin. Oddly it works fine when switching to some other themes in the same install (Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Twelve, Responsive). And all the other functions of WC work fine -- so it's definitely GameNews related. So I need help troubleshooting this path, either by helping with the simple integration method or by helping me figure out the "proper" hooks integration method. Again I can pay for this -- if you can help me get it to work.
Path 2: Is there a better/smoother way to integrate e-commerce into GameNews using another e-commerce solution other than Woo?? Again, I am willing to pay for help on this!
I do not want to rebuild the site around a totally different theme just to get this working as there are many other details of it that are set up and it would be silly to redo the whole site to work around this -- so the solutions I seek are all around using the same theme -- GameNews -- and properly integrating WooCommerce.
What I'm running:
- WordPress 3.6
- Gavick GameNews 1.2
- WooCommerce 2.0.13
- WooCommerce Authorize.net DPM Gateway 1.4.3 (by WooThemes)
Thanks everyone!