I have an Image Show GK4 module on the home page here http://www.genderjustice.org.za. All images are 964x350 and the module set to the same size, but some images appear with black lines, others shorter... what is going on?
thanks Ian
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:42 pm
Please check your Image Show settings and especially function to create thumbnails, if it is enable IS will resize image to defined resolution and keep aspect ratio that's why you see this black stripes.
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:47 pm
Thanks - I've turned off thumbnails and now it's working fine. I don't understand why this was happening, though - the images were all the same size so should have scaled correctly?
Thanks for the quick response, Ian
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:50 am
The images may be with the same size but this size is probably different than module size.