The current Image Show GK4 and NSPGk4/5 thumbnail create class/method hard coded "images/" for image path and I don't know if I'm the only one from hundreds or thousands of Gavick users who customize com_media path instead of using the default image/ folder.
Anyways, I don't think it would be hard for Gavick's developer team to retrieve com_media image path rather than harcoding it to image/.
And by the way is there any issues if ever Gavick Templates or modules use a different image path?
Gavick developer if you ever consider changing your code, here it is:
- Code: Select all
function getMediaPath() {
$imagemanager = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media');
$imagepath = $imagemanager->get('image_path', '');
return $imagepath;
// function to change file path to real path.
function getRealPath($path) {
//$start = strpos($path, 'images/');
$start = strpos($path, self::getMediaPath());
$path = './'.substr($path, $start);
return realpath($path);