I have several GK News Show on my home page, but when you select an article the link created includes the /component/content/article/ in the link.
This is preventing my banners to appear in the articles...
please take a look...
http://noticias.cabovision.tv/ any of the gk's bellow take you to an article with no banners...
Let me expand the explanation...
I click on the gk news and reach this link:
http://noticias.cabovision.tv/component ... onica.html
This is an article with out the sponsors banners (no happy sponsors)
this is the article with the correct link (same article with banners)
http://noticias.cabovision.tv/noticias/ ... onica.html
Please let me know what needs to be done to correct or change this link beeing generated by the gk module...
Thanks very much!!