Please P.M for screen shots, symptoms occur with the nature of this post and screen shots are larger files.
"When logged into the back-end of the web site and configuring the module with unique ID's from the K2 Items, we are given an error stating that the article can not be displayed."
On-site Tech:
"My knowledge solely relays on the Network Side for the most part, the client thought that the ID's were getting mixed up and I assured him that the IDs retrieved for the Articles under his K2 component were the ID's he intended them to be for each article and demonstrated to him that the module was having conflicts."
Will not display article
the sixth item in Grid 3 flashes
Overall functionality seems to be bad
We have just went trough an upgrade and this module was one of the upgrades. I am not sure if during the process if something may have failed. Past experiences usually have a ripple effect if that happens, I admit that Gavick does keep a solid code with issues isolated to itself.

I can PM su Admin Access.