I have a problem with NSP (v. 1.3.1) title/pagination part.
In firebug this part is marked as <h3 class="header gkPage">Aktualności</h3>.
When I click the link with "# suffix" (like under START button from intro) to reach position of NSP module, animation scrolls me too far so the title/pagination is always cut. I've tried with addin margin to override.css:
#gkHeader {
margin-top: 10px;
but it didn't solved the problem. Only added white (different from the module bg) margin over.
Comparing with links to other modules (like under the KONTAKT button from intro) made with "# suffinx" title is not cut which means it's particular problem of NSP. Do you know how to deal with it? I really need help with it.
Here is the website