I have configured about 50 modules of News Show Pro GK4 on my website.
How can I migrate the content to the latest version of the module?
Simply uploading did not updated the previous version.
Fresh Boarder
Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:20 pm
GK5 version is not the newest edition of GK4. Those are 2 different modules, so there is no easy way to migrate it. Additionaly GK5 cannot replace GK4 in some cases, so I would recommend to keep GK4 version running.
GK User
Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:24 pm
Thanks for your fast reply. It would be much easier to manage if you would provide regular updates...
Fresh Boarder
Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:48 pm
As i said nspgk4 and nspgk5 are different modules so updated has nothing to do here since there are to separate update versions in this case. Anyway update is only released when a bug was reported and there is a need of a fixed version to appears.