NSP "FIX" height ...

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GK User
Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:50 pm

How can I make NSP be always a determined fix height, no matter if my Title/text is shorter or longer than expected.

I can control the max number of characters, this makes the module certain max height, but if a user inputs less characters the module becomes smaller. This affects my layout.

How can I have the NSP be 300px in height no matter if title/text is shorter.

When text is bigger the height is fix by the max # in characters for title an text. But when the input text is less the module gets shorter as fluid.

Makes sense?

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Konrad M
Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:03 pm
please try add to all nsp you want same height suffix for example " fix". Suffix you can add in module settings. Remember about white space before suffix name. Then please try add to override.css
Code: Select all
.fix {
height:300px !important;

Remember to enable override.css option in template settings.
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