Hi again
As you can see, "New Music" module is working fine, but on "mainbody_top" module position.
Here's what is happening in your website... you create new module positions on templateDetails.xml file and use them on "home" article with "loadposition". The problem is by doing this you are using module .moduletable prefix (joomla system) and we use our own .box instead. So all NSP classes added on template files will not work.
If you still want to use this method of publishing modules on those positions on article, you must also include them on the following file: ../gk_fashion/lib/framework/gk.const.php, like for example:
- Code: Select all
'home1' => 'gk_style',
But i really don't recommend to follow this path, because as you know the template have it's own responsive framework... and i don't know what result would have this method. Not good, most probably.
So my suggestion is to use the available positions on the template (they do better job
) and make your style changes on override.css file.
Also, another very important information.
Always use "[space]nsp" suffix on all News Show Pro GK4 modules, because this is the suffix that you use on template files for all necessary NSP elements.
Hope this might help you