borders for images shown with News Show Pro GK4

Support forum dedicated to free and advanced Joomla content presentation module with various layout options and data sources support.
GK User
Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:24 pm
(I understand this must be a common issue, and I found some threads about it, but I've really don't get it.. Please.. I'm a newbie)

So: I'm a rookie. I've done the "HelpFileNewsShowProGK4.pdf"
( Btw: Is there anymore pdf's to download, in that case You have hidden them well ;).. )
I'm new to joomla and Gavicks stuff. Joomla 2.5.4 is da shit! :)

I've been installing the gk_sporter-template (with sample data) and added multi-langugae-support. After some struggle it starts to work ..slowly.. ;).

My issue
I've copied the two modules that fixes "tabs" and "news" (Tabs GK4 and mod_news_pro_gk4) and my content (from Joomalarticles) which appears with a pic and text. That's fine. ..but.. Although I've copied the attributes for "module suffix", given a unique module ID, copied the stuff under Thumbnails etc etc I'm not succeed getting the frames/borders around the pictures, that look so nice..

Where do I do the magic who creates the borders for my pics?? Please help me?


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Konrad M
Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:28 am
Can you give us url to your site?
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GK User
Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:32 pm
This is just beta-beta så a lot of things is not setup yet. But heres the URL:

But get the "borders for images" to work and understand when I should use K2 versus "Joomla articles" is where I am just now.. :)

Could I send this bonus-Question.. ;) .. here and now: When do I need K2-component included with this template. Is it just for the "webshop" and so on OR is it used for mod_news_show_pro_gk4 as well?

(newbie: yes!)

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Konrad M
Wed May 02, 2012 10:20 am
To get borders work please try switch off default css in module settings. There is no rule when you should use Joomla articles and when K2. You decide what is better for you ;)
About which k2 component you are talking about ?
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GK User
Thu May 03, 2012 11:37 am
Sorry for understanding slowly. I'm new; have mercy.. ;)

Where do I "switch off default css in module settings"? Is it by setting "module suffix" to empty or?
Could You shortly give me a hint..

Attaching pdf with my modulesettings.. --> Could not attach files with extension pdf or docx.. Hmmm?!

K2: the "Items" in which there was some articles in the "sampledata", and it was articles in the "Joonla article"-part as well. I didn't understand if some modules used the "Joomla artcle"-part and some needed data from the K2-components..


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Konrad M
Fri May 04, 2012 10:12 am
Go to 'External files' section and set Use default css as off.
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GK User
Fri May 04, 2012 3:10 pm
Thanks!! :D That solved my problems.

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Konrad M
Tue May 08, 2012 10:42 am
Great :) I'm glad I could help.
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