(I understand this must be a common issue, and I found some threads about it, but I've really don't get it.. Please.. I'm a newbie)
So: I'm a rookie. I've done the "HelpFileNewsShowProGK4.pdf"
( Btw: Is there anymore pdf's to download, in that case You have hidden them well .. )
I'm new to joomla and Gavicks stuff. Joomla 2.5.4 is da shit!
I've been installing the gk_sporter-template (with sample data) and added multi-langugae-support. After some struggle it starts to work ..slowly.. .
My issue
I've copied the two modules that fixes "tabs" and "news" (Tabs GK4 and mod_news_pro_gk4) and my content (from Joomalarticles) which appears with a pic and text. That's fine. ..but.. Although I've copied the attributes for "module suffix", given a unique module ID, copied the stuff under Thumbnails etc etc I'm not succeed getting the frames/borders around the pictures, that look so nice..
Where do I do the magic who creates the borders for my pics?? Please help me?