To be honest Gavick will not create if original extension does not has such features and then explain to end users how to hack into K2 to use created date as future date etc etc to use features in News Pro GK4. It is just not professional and will create extra support questions and waste a lot of time.
To add such feature all necessary fields should be available in the component and data is already inputted into the database so we just retrieve the data and display it in News Show Pro GK4 with a Gavick Style
But if anybody wants to go ahead with this below is my thinking on this matter unless you want to do a deep core hacking into K2 and add necessary fields as well as database changes.
This is just a brainstorming thinking out loud
The only problem i see in here is that K2 publishes items so it is published. If items are published they are in past tense. So how are we going to find articles which belong to below categories ( future dates ).
To show something of current week: 2012-02-03 00:00:00, 2012-02-10 00:00:00
To show something of current date: 2012-02-03 00:00:00
This can be done in hacks. You would need a date field to use it as Event Date ( as future dates ) then use published date to make it published and available to use.
Without News Pro you can use K2 Tools Calendar module then simply after you create your articles and publish it go back and change created time to your event date time so K2 tools Calendar shows articles ( events ) based on created time.
With News Pro
function to check if "Show of particular date" is enabled in module settings then check for sub parameters as below
Module Settings : "Show Particular Articles by Date Feature "
Sub Parameters:
Parameter1: Show Today's Events Only - ( get todays date by php and then retrieve articles )
Parameter2: Show Events in between 2 Date ( get articles between date1 and date2 then retrieve articles )
Parameter3: Show Events from today until (+Days) ( Days= get parameter days , futuredate= Now() + days, get articles between Now AND futuredate )
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