Problem: Switching between different News modules - Same content....

Support forum dedicated to free and advanced Joomla content presentation module with various layout options and data sources support.
GK User
Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:41 pm

I have several modules with different content on my site.

When I switch between pages with different modules with different content - then I have a problem.
The modules "remember" the content from the last module I looked at, so when switching to a new module it shows the content from the previous module.

After some time the module shows the correct content, but at the beginning it shows the wrong content from the module before.
If I empty the thumbnail cache and then show one module the thumbails are generated as they should and all is fine.
But when I show the next module no new thumbnails are created and the content is the same as the previous module.

If I log in the problem does not exist, if I log out the problem is there again.

How can I fix this?
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