I have been using the Creative Template to build a webste in wordpress. Its really great and Im getting the hang of it. The site is located here http://ec2-54-206-121-99.ap-southeast-2 ... onaws.com/
In the second section that holds the video, I am looking to replace the actual video... and instead build a play button that will open a <div> that contains an iFrame vimeo link. So essentially the video will pop up in a box.
I have built the functionality in custom HTML/CSS/JQuery in a separate file. I am struggling to figure out how I can copy this working code into the Shortcodes or into the template files somehow...
Can someone shed some light on this?
If you would like to see a working version of what I want go to http://www.stacks.co and see the video play button.
I have also attached the file to this document. Its in a Dropbox so you can see the files and how they work.
Kind Regards
Lenny Ercoli