But I 'm using WordPress 4 and it does not contain the "WPLANG" to "wp -config.php"
Since I searched everywhere and can not find .
Junior Boarder
GK User
Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:05 am
Please check your Dashboard -> Settings -> General and look for "Site language" option and change it to your language. (of course you should already have translation files).
GK User
Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:08 am
Thank you!
I already solved my problem
However, I can not find the location of this word: "Read More"
This "read more" button comes from News Show Pro plugin (not theme), so you should translate also the plugin. Please use gk-nsp.pot file (from wp-content/plugins/gk-nsp/languages directory) to create po and mo files (gk-nsp-pl_PL.mo) and move these files into wp-content/languages/plugins directory.