We're using GK Grid but when we change the default from 840 to 960 for tablet, we need to do this as the content is croping on iPads. The problem is that this...

turns to...

I spoke too soon.Jane Blonde wrote:...your correct...
Joshua M wrote:So, it's a conflict with your 1216 theme css..
Joshua M wrote:Hi,
Please try to disable wp-content/themes/yoo_katana_wp/styles/imro-one/css/theme.css
and wp-content/themes/yoo_katana_wp/styles/imro-one/css/custom.css
it doesn't look like the default twentysixteen WordPress theme.
Joshua M wrote:You are using our GK Grid plugin with other themes...
Joshua M wrote:Now I can see different code with "uk-grid" class and containers inside your text widgets.