Hi Piotr,
I'm using a plugin to display the subtitles, and I have to show the subtiles on news show ( version )
Widget layout > article wrapper: default
Article layout > Article format: none
Now I solved using the custom field (instead of Art_Price value) but if you can help me here is the code I have to add to show the subtitles:
- Add the 'the_subtitle()' tag to your theme: if(function_exists('the_subtitle')) the_subtitle();
- if you need to 'return' the value, you can use get_the_subtitle() which accepts a $post_id parameter if you need to use it outside the loop if(function_exists('the_subtitle')) $subtitle = get_the_subtitle( $post_id );
- the_subtitle accepts 3 parameters: the_subtitle( $before = Null, $after = Null, $echo = True );
- there is a filter for the_subtitle
Thank you
Piotr Kunicki wrote:Hi,
What subtitles exactly do you mean? By default there's no subtitles in posts/pages, and it's not possible to display it using News Show Pro.