NSP: Change image link destination

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GK User
Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:01 am
Hi guys,

I'm running the University theme and on one page I'm using the gknsp shortcode to display some category posts. The exact shortcode I have used is below:

Code: Select all
 [gknsp article_cols="3" article_rows="2" cache_time="0" data_source_type="wp-category" wp_category_list="283" article_image_w="600" article_image_h="400" article_title_state="on" article_text_state="off" article_info_state="off" article_readmore_state="off" widget_css_suffix="nsp-company-directory"]

The problem I'm having is that (probably by design) clicking on an image in the NSP opens a lightbox - I want to change this so that it links to the post itself (as clicking the title does currently). I've looked at the shortcode options and also hooks but can't seem to find a way - can you please advise?

EDIT: I'm trying to do this without updating the plugin's code since I want to be able to update it in future.


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GK User
Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:48 am

Try to add the following attribute to your shortcode:
Code: Select all
article_image_popup = "off"
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GK User
Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:36 am
Hi Piotr,

That worked perfectly - thanks for the prompt reply.

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Fresh Boarder
