Autoupdate themes & plugins

Support forum dedicated to GavickPro free and premium WordPress themes.
GK User
Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:19 am
Do you have any plans about autoupdate system for your templates, plugins and language files? Now this process requre many attention and hand work. Example, WooCommerce solved this problem very well. :roll:
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GK User
Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:15 pm

Sorry but the autoupdate system for themes is a very bad idea, because most of the people doesn't use child themes. WooCommerce is a totally different case - it is a plugin from the official repository and most important - it is a plugin not a theme ;)
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GK User
Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:00 pm
Preinstalled themes of WP also updates from official repository as plugins do. I don't see problems here. Peoples manually can check every componet and it's not problem. Who needs it, in some time would pass to child theme.
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:36 pm
Never the less you allways have backup.
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GK User
Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:16 pm
Preinstalled themes of WP also updates from official repository as plugins do. I don't see problems here. Peoples manually can check every componet and it's not problem. Who needs it, in some time would pass to child theme.

Please remember that themes from the official repository are in most cases a very simple ones used for small sites. And as I wrote - not all people are using child themes what will lead to issues.

Never the less you allways have backup.

On some hostings it is a very problematic and not so fast to receive a backup of your website, or you have only very limited backup options (in example backup from the last night).

Please also remember that preparing a auto-update system for commercial themes needs a more complicated infrastructure than the official repository uses (i.e. usage of the auth keys for registered members).

Currently we have no plans to implement it, as pros are not clear. Our team by providing support saw how people uses our themes (i.e. with applying changes without using child themes) and that's why in my opinion auto-update is currently a bad idea.
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GK User
Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:24 am
Please remember that themes from the official repository are in most cases a very simple ones used for small sites. And as I wrote - not all people are using child themes what will lead to issues.

It also could be solved. You can add a chechbox in settings for use/unuse aoutoupdate system for template.

Please also remember that preparing a auto-update system for commercial themes needs a more complicated infrastructure than the official repository uses (i.e. usage of the auth keys for registered members).

It's not a problem while you have a wish to do.

Currently we have no plans to implement it, as pros are not clear. Our team by providing support saw how people uses our themes (i.e. with applying changes without using child themes) and that's why in my opinion auto-update is currently a bad idea.

It's very pity. May be at least plugins and language files?
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Junior Boarder
