Help!! I uploaded picture but it doesn't display.

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GK User
Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:42 am
Screen Shot 2557-07-22 at 11.39.31 AM.png
I'm newbie in Wordpress. I use theme Store Front. I uploaded picture but it doesn't display on front page.
The code that it use
" [gknsp cache_time="0" widget_css_suffix="products" article_cols="4" article_rows="2" data_source_type="wp_woocommerce-wooc_latest" article_text_state="off" article_image_w="282" article_image_h="300" article_image_order="1" article_image_popup="off" article_title_order="2" article_info_format="{PRICE}{CART}" article_readmore_state="off" article_block_padding="10px 30px 30px 30px"] "

How Can I find setting as below picture? :cry:
Screen Shot 2557-07-22 at 11.39.48 AM.png

Thank for your help
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:27 am

It seems that your problem is caused by usage of the non-latin chars in the images filenames. Could your send me a PM message with back-end and FTP access to your website? Then I will be able to prepare a solution for this case.
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