Hello bkrztuk,
I am sorry for don't understanding what you're saying.
So Social GK5 is not able to show my tweets (like other components will do, like SP Tweet from JoomaShaper or WidgetKit from Yootheme) unless my tweets are visible in the search results on Twitter?
I find that odd, because the other mentioned components do show my Tweets, even if they not show up in the search results.
Why else would I configure the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, User Token and User Secret. It just doesn't make sense to me, I am sorry for not understanding that.
I'm just thinking there is something 'wrong' with Social GK5. I am not trying to offend you.
So I tested something else, the Google+ configuration from Social GK 5.
I made a public post on my Google+ page about 30 minutes ago.
Then I configured an module with my Google+ ID (The 21-digit string).
Guess what?
Nothing shows up. There is nothing to see
It does show the Google+ icon (and a name I typed in at Customize a Name), but that's it.
So I went even further this time.
I installed the downloaded 'Demo package' from the Creativity Template I bought, on an test environment (it's the same internet server), installed Social GK5, and configured an Module using Social GK5 with Google+ and my Google+ ID (21-digit string).
And again, nothing shows up
Just the Customized name and the Google+ Badge.
I followed each step from the Documentation, over and over again, but it is just not working.
I only installed: Demo Package Creativity, Social GK5 and that's it. Nothing more.
I don't know what is wrong, or what I am doin' wrong here, but as I mentioned earlier, when I configure a Module for twitter with other vendor components, it's working right out of the box.
Sorry for keep 'nagging' about this, but frankly I just want to use the Social GK5 plugin