How could I change the module links "gkHeader", "#gkBottom1-3" into something usefull like "#contact"..
What I did:
1. installed the plg_gkmodulelinks from the rest-Files folder
2. enabled the plugin gkmodulelinks
3. open the module in Joomla backend and choose the tab: "Module Title Links (GavickPro)"
3.1 edit Module Title Adress: #ueberuns
3.2 set Enable Module Title link: NO (also tried with: YES)
4. change link in menu from #gkheader to #ueberuns
The result is that the new link www.myhomepagename.com/#ueberuns is shown as url but it does not jump to module position.
I know this question was also given at : https://www.gavick.com/forums/creative/ ... Itemid=376#p145012
It seems to be a general problem in Joomla 3.3, because it won`t work with this tutorial:
You can use module title plugin which should be available in gk_creativity_rest_files_J!25.zip
Once you install the plugin you will see additional settings in modules settings page, see Module Title links and add your link in there "#contact" and disable the link.
Then in your menu you can use #contact as external url link which will link to your module.
Please help!