body.lightbg #gkPageContent {display: none;}
body.noMainbody #gkPageContent {display: none;}
Cyberek wrote:Please follow this tutorial: ... mla-pages/
Cyberek wrote:Also your custom class in override.css (that is not enabled) is .noMainbody and home page suffix is .lightbg - they have to be same.
Cyberek wrote:Could You please post an url to your site?
Is the homepage the page that should have additional suffix?
lightbg, customclass
Cyberek wrote:This is how the setting should look like:
If you would like to create custom suffix for a page which ID is already listed there, you remove existing one, then you enter ID of page into "ItemID/Option:" field, and list of classes period separated into "Suffix:" field, for example:
- Code: Select all
lightbg, customclass
,then you click "add rule" and save on top of the page.
101=lightbg, noMainbody
Cyberek wrote:Sorry, my mistake, remove dot from before noMainbody, so tehe line looks:
- Code: Select all
101=lightbg, noMainbody