I need one help. How do I display module in white background on home page? I published GK4 News but background colour is still blue. Please help.
URL - http://ebookstak.com/
Module - title - NSP GK4 suffix " nsp color2"
teitbite wrote:Hi
"color2" is an exact shade of blue You have used, so it's not visible, but I do not think this is the problem You are asking about. I think You need to remove a page class suffix "nobg" in template configuration for this page to bring the white backgroun under the mainbody.
teitbite wrote:Hi
It's not about module at all. NSP is published in mainbody, which is a default place in site, so You need to remove page class suffix "nobg" which is removing this backgroun. You will find this option in template settings in features section: