Javascript conflict in GK4 tabs

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GK User
Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:04 am

I'm running:
Joomla! 2.5.9
AppsPro Tech Gavern v.3.7 (quick install)
Jomsocial 2.8.1
Everthing else is up to date

GK4 on frontpage did not switch between tabs. Gavick login popup did not show up.
Found out from other threath, that by setting "Javascript compression" to Off, problem solved.
It might be a javascript conflict after installing Jomsocial into this template. I use Gavick Music restfiles for Jomsocial styling part.

Then I uninstalled K2 and now my javascrtipt conflickt is back.
1) Tabs on frontpage not working
2 )When login I get famous: Calendar.setup: Nothing to setup no fields found) Please check your code. This could be K2 in other situations, but I uninstalled that.

Site is running on

Any suggestions?

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GK User
Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:35 am
In your site there is a some 3rd party scripts

Code: Select all

which is using jQuery which is not laoded which cause JS conflict and all other scripts stop working because of this.
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