seblod conditional function broken

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GK User
Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:03 am
I found one major issues where seblod conditional states are broken using this template. Please find the same form behavior with beez and this template where seblod defined Conditional States are not working.

refer attached image.
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:35 am

Can You please tell me what is the problem exactly and tell me an url to Your site?
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GK User
Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:05 am
teitbite wrote:Hi

Can You please tell me what is the problem exactly and tell me an url to Your site?

Issue is - The form is developed using seblod.

Once you use any other template - Once you check the PAN | Driving license | passport num, it will open up a text based on check box selection on/off. This is the conditional feature in seblod form which is working with all other template (bonus theme, shape5 etc, joomla default ) but not with gavick one. you have url/id/password, you can have a look on the issues and suggest me accoridingly.

please let me know if there is any fix.
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:15 pm

I have disabled javascript compression in template settings and looks like it's working now. Unfortunately I cannot tell for sure because I do not know how this form should be working after all. I have no expirience with Seblod.
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