typography.iconset.style3.css 403 (Forbidden)

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GK User
Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:22 am
I just installed this template and while playing around with it I notice the following error and would like to know how can I fix it?

GET http://xxxxx/templates/gk_appsprotech/c ... style3.css 403 (Forbidden)
GET http://xxxxx/templates/gk_appsprotech/c ... style3.css 403 (Forbidden) prefixfree.js:2

It seem to be looking or trying to pull the typography.iconset.style3.css... Can you tell me how to remove the request...
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GK User
Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:52 pm

Can you send your site URL via a PM then I can check it?

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GK User
Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:40 pm

I got the link from your PM, thanks for that. However I can't access the page as it appears 403 Forbidden error for the whole site. Can you please check?

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