CSS code found in html!?!

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GK User
Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:18 pm

I found the following code in the html file!?!? This is also found in a fresh quickstart installation and also in after just installed the template!?!?

.gkcol { width: 200px; }
#gkBanner1, #gkBanner2 { width: 100%; }
#gkContent { width: 100%; }
#gkComponentWrap { width: 100%; }
#gkPageTop, #gkBanners, #gkPage, #gkMainMenu, #gkHeader, #gkBottom2, body > footer { width: 980px!important; }

.gkMenu > ul div.childcontent small,
.gkIsWrapper-gk_appsprotech .gkIsText h2 a { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }

.gkMenu > ul div.childcontent header,
h1#gkLogo.text a span,
.box h3.header,
.box_menu h3.header,
.box_text h3.header,
ul.gkTabs li,
.pane-sliders .panel h3,
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5, p.numblocks span,
article time,
button, .button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], .pagenav-prev a, .pagenav-next a,
.pagination li,
.gkMenu > ul > li,
#gkBreadcrumb .breadcrumbs,
#system-message dd ul,th, section.newsfeed > ol > li a { font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', Arial, sans-serif; }

.blank { font-family: BebasNeue, Arial, sans-serif; }

#menu102 > div,
#menu102 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 400px; }

#menu103 > div,
#menu103 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu414 > div,
#menu414 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu415 > div,
#menu415 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu426 > div,
#menu426 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu431 > div,
#menu431 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu113 > div,
#menu113 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu436 > div,
#menu436 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu439 > div,
#menu439 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu443 > div,
#menu443 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#menu234 > div,
#menu234 > div > .childcontent-inner { width: 200px; }

#gkBottombottom1 { width: 34%; }
#gkBottombottom2 { width: 34%; }
#gkBottombottom3 { width: 32%; }
#gkBottombottom7 { width: 17%; }
#gkBottombottom8 { width: 17%; }
#gkBottombottom9 { width: 16%; }
#gkBottombottom10 { width: 16%; }
#gkBottombottom11 { width: 17%; }
#gkBottombottom12 { width: 17%; }
#gkTab-392 .gkTabContainer0, #gkTab-392 .gkTabContainer1, #gkTab-392 .gkTabContainer2 { height: 300px; }
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GK User
Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:21 pm
This is normal as template depending on your settings adjusts width etc , and css selectors based on your font selection. This is inserted by javascript and it is not fixed, it is created on the fly.

Are you having any problems?
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