Few tweaks to our site

Premium sports magazine Joomla template with clean, easy to customize and unique design.
GK User
Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:07 am
I would like to kindly ask you for an assistance with solutions of a few problems that would allow me to improve our tennis oriented website, http://www.tennisdesire.com.

1) Recently I have bought a new computer with higher resolution and found out how bad the header of the site looks. Could you please help me to fix the black strip on the top of the site with main menu? I would like to have it spread over the whole page.

2) I have also noticed that there is some fixed space set for every module position from left and right side, that there is some space between the border of the module and start of the text. I honestly do not know if I can explain it well, so have attached another image and an example from our site:

In this case there is a 32px space in the mainbody from left and the right side, for the right template position it is 20px. I would like to lower the numbers a bit.

So my question is - is it possible to change this? And if so then where and how?

Once again many thanks for your help!

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GK User
Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:45 pm

1. Please add the following code at the end of the css/template.css file:

Code: Select all
#gkPageTop {
background-repeat: repeat!important;

2. You can override it using the following CSS rules (you can also put it at the end of the css/template.css file):

Code: Select all
#gkContent {
padding: 0 __px 20px __px!important;

#gkInset2 {
padding-left: __px!important;

Please replace "__" with your new values ;)
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GK User
Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:21 pm
Thanks for your assistance. The first one works great and the second one will be used once a few changes are prepared.

I would also like to say that Gavick has not only great templates but mainly an excellent customers service and supportive team. I am in a no way a web developer so this is extremelly important for me and I really have to express how good your team is. :!:
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GK User
Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:18 pm
Thank you for your warm words :)

By the way I would like to congratulate you a very nice usage of our template - it is one of the best usage of the LeagueNews template which I have ever seen :)
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GK User
Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:49 am
please let me ask you for your assistance when solving a few other issues that would help us to further improve our site and make it look a bit better in our eyes.

1) I have noticed that there is some unwanted free space in K2 category items listing, that the text for category description is a bit wider than for the items. And we would like to remove this free space and have also items text as wide as the text above it. This is visible on the image and also f.ex. here: http://www.tennisdesire.com/news

2) We are using news show pro component for presenting information in the left side column f.ex. "Getting to Know" and in this component the "Read More" option is added as a plain text. We would like to replace it (for all usage of news show pro) as a button with the same format and style as the Read More button shown in K2 (f.ex. here: http://www.tennisdesire.com/news). The button should have the same style, font, color but naturally should be smaller.

3) This issue is very important for us and it would be great if this could be solved. We have several GK News Show Pro modules on the home page, f.ex. LATEST TENNIS PICKS, TENNIS NEWS CENTER etc. These modules present articles from given K2 categories and it would be great if the titles of these moduls could like to those categories. F.ex. LATEST TENNIS NEWS title would link to our tennis news section. So is there an option to make these titles clickable? Make them a link to a K2 category? This would be really great!

4) We will stay on the same place at our home page - is it possible to add some icons/images before these titles of these modules? I mean to have an icon before the LATEST TENNIS PICKS title. Or even better would it be possible to use Font Awesome icons somehow?

5) What about adding background to all images? I mean something very similar (or even exactly the same) what is used f.ex. in your Publisher template...

Once again many thanks for your time and help!
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GK User
Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:23 pm
Tomor wrote:5) What about adding background to all images? I mean something very similar (or even exactly the same) what is used f.ex. in your Publisher template...

I did not find how to edit my previous post - I naturally didn´t mean background but border to all images... something like this:
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GK User
Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:05 pm
Hello again,

1) Please open css/k2.css file and please change fragment:

Code: Select all
.itemContainer article, .latestView .itemsContainerWrap {
margin: 0 0 32px 0;


Code: Select all
.itemContainer article, .latestView .itemsContainerWrap {
margin: 0;

2) Please open css/joomla.css file and please change fragment:

Code: Select all
.pagenav-prev a,
.pagenav-next a { display: block; float: left; height: 32px; line-height: 34px; margin: 0 5px 2px 2px; padding: 0 12px; border: none; background: #d35209; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; color: #fff !important; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 2px; }
.pagenav-prev a:hover,
.pagenav-next a:hover { background: #252525 !important; color: #fff; }


Code: Select all
.pagenav-prev a,
.pagenav-next a,
.readon { display: block; float: left; height: 32px; line-height: 34px; margin: 0 5px 2px 2px; padding: 0 12px; border: none; background: #d35209; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; color: #fff !important; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 2px; }
.pagenav-prev a:hover,
.pagenav-next a:hover,
.readon:hover { background: #252525 !important; color: #fff; }

3) Please install plugin from the rest_files package: plg_gkmodulelinks.zip and activate it - then you will get an additional tab "Module Title Links (GavickPro)" in the module options page - you will be able to enable links in the module titles and specify the URL.

4) This is a custom work beyond of our technical support.

5) In this case you have to add padding around 20-30 pixels and then specify a background image. I.e. in the Publisher template this feature uses the following code:

Code: Select all
article img,
.box img {
background: transparent url('../images/style1/img_bg.png') repeat 0 0;
padding: 10px;
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GK User
Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:29 am
Hello Dziudek,
many thanks for your assistance and please let me react...

1) Your solution works great. Thanks!

2) The code you have provided really changes the look of the "Read More" in the way I wanted but I would like to have this button smaller than the buttons on other places (f.ex. the read more buttons here: http://www.tennisdesire.com/news). When I tried to change the font size and size of the button in the code you have provided it changes the look of all buttons on the side. So I would like these "Read More" buttons in modules to have independent parameters - to be designed in the same way (colors. fonts) as other buttons but to be smaller than them.

3) I installed the plugin, activated it, enabled module title links for the module and added the link but unfortunatelly nothing changes and it is not working for me. Can you assist me, please?

4) Ok, I understand.

5) Could you please write me where should I add this code? Thanks in advance!
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GK User
Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:45 pm
2) The code you have provided really changes the look of the "Read More" in the way I wanted but I would like to have this button smaller than the buttons on other places (f.ex. the read more buttons here: http://www.tennisdesire.com/news ). When I tried to change the font size and size of the button in the code you have provided it changes the look of all buttons on the side. So I would like these "Read More" buttons in modules to have independent parameters - to be designed in the same way (colors. fonts) as other buttons but to be smaller than them.

In this case you should define your own CSS styles for the following CSS selectors (you can put the CSS code at the end of gk.stuff.css file):

Code: Select all
.nspArt .readon {
/* code for the normal button state */
.nspArt .readon:active,
.nspArt .readon:focus,
.nspArt .readon:hover {
/* code for the active/hover button state */

3) I installed the plugin, activated it, enabled module title links for the module and added the link but unfortunatelly nothing changes and it is not working for me. Can you assist me, please?

Which version of the template are you using?

5) Could you please write me where should I add this code? Thanks in advance!

You can add it at the end of joomla.css file
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GK User
Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:12 am
dziudek wrote:
3) I installed the plugin, activated it, enabled module title links for the module and added the link but unfortunatelly nothing changes and it is not working for me. Can you assist me, please?

Which version of the template are you using?

Hello again,
I have found out that we are using an old version of your template ( 3.1 ) at our site, so decided to update it. I have tested it and installed the latest version of the template in extension manager and it really solved the problem with module links but on the other hand it caused a problem with K2 on the site. The K2 component is not working at all, when we click on some of the k2 articles or categories it shows just nothing - there is just a blank page instead of the text of article...

What could be the problem here? I was able to restore the customization of the old version but this problem with k2 appeared immediatelly after the upgrade of template.

Looking forward to your reply!
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GK User
Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:13 am
In this case the simplest soultion will be copying file html/modules.html from the new version to your version - and then it should work fine with module links.
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GK User
Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:21 am
Maybe I did not describe it well or there is some misunderstanding - I have updated the template and module links are working fine now but there is a problem with k2 that is not working at all and not showing the articles. You can see it on the image.
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GK User
Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:38 pm
Did you solved the problem? Because I don't see it on your page now.
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GK User
Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:58 pm
No, I didn´t!

But I´m testing the template update on a backup site, not on the real live site. I did send you a link in PM.
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GK User
Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:08 am
Your problem is connected with fact that module with suffix "box centracek" is loaded on the mainbody module position and it replaces the K2 content. Please disable this module or please limit it to display only on the frontpage. Any module which is displayed on the mainbody should be assigned only on the frontpage.
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