OK! I will probably never pay Gavick another template! Lack of support really made me angry!
If someone here know what is going on with this template and can help me I will really appreciate it.
1. Problem with template itself - every time I try to edit template options everything fall apart! It restore default config, don't allow me to change anything, loses buttons, restore default positions...
2. NewsShowPro in this template - constantly giving me error 0 page, even when I set a correct category...
3. and now Tabs GK5 - I just entered in module to change its position and module went crazy, deleted my tabs, and now doesn't letting me to create new one?? When I click on Add Tabs button nothing happens!
I am really frustrated, and I will be very grateful to anyone who can help me fix those problems,...
I am using quickstart of this template, with little customization, for Joomla 3.0...
Thanks in advance...