Hello, everyone:
So far, I've installed WampServer and Joomla 2.5. Everything seems to be working.
I'm stuck on the installation of League News. Specifically, within Template Manager, when I "View Website"; it takes me to screen that says "It works". But, actually, I want to be navigated instead to the public homepage. 1. What do I have to do to see the HP instead of a screen that says "It Works."?
Because of this, I have to navigate to the homepage by entering "localhost/index/php" in my browser. Only then do I get the HP. What is more, it's only one page, and it only shows in outline. 2. I want all of the menus and pages connected to this template (the entire demo) to show; then, from there, I want to edit. 2. How can I view the public home page completely and also so that I don't see it in outline?
Shouldn't there be some article entries in Media Manager? Right now there are none. I'm thinking that I need to install more zip files. For example, this template downloaded with three files: 1) gk_league_news, 2) gk-league news-quickstart and 3) gk_leagu_news_rest files.
What is the difference between gk_league_news and gk-league news-quickstart; which one do I need?
So far, I ONLY INSTALLED the first file (gk_league-news).
I have no idea what to do with the restfiles. I have been online for days/hours; repeated tutorials yet I'm still at a loss.
Any help, guidance is more than appreciated.