First of all, this template is truly great and attractive.
Now, here is the thing. Until now I have been waiting with upgrading Joomla and now (when this template is out) I would like to upgrade it.
I´m little lazy and I like to use your quickstartpackages because modules, plugins all are set up. Is it possible with jUpgrade convert from 1.5 to 2.5 but then use quickstart package (2.5.2).
I believe that you know that there is option to upload .zip folder named "" in tmp folder and then jUpgrade doesn´t need to download Joomla 2.5 folder. I tried that with quickstart package (I renamed it in "") and jUpgrade normally upgraded all but there is no sing of LeagueNews template. Obviously, it didn´t work.
So is possible to do something like that or I´ll need upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5 and then install template (manually set module positions) for site?
Thanks in advance for your answer(s).