I'm updating a existing e-commerce site with this especificationss: joomla 2.5, virtuemart 2 and Gavick Pro eSport template.
I've updated Joomla & VirtueMart without problems. However, when I've updated the template I observe a message "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; "
I tried with a clean QuickStart installation, but I observe the same problem.
Finally, I've debugged the code and I found the error in the file \templates\gk_esport\html\com_virtuemart\productdetails\default.php line 357. The reason:
$step value is empty and the line
- Code: Select all
"remainder=obj.value % <?php echo $step?>;"
The questions: ¿What is the default value to "step" variable? ¿is it a template bug?