TPL_GK_LANG_ERROR_INFO 403 when trying to enter adress

GK User
Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:32 pm

Whenever I try to update adress details on my webpage (for virtuemart), it outputs this error:


What could it be? It was working before.

The url is:

You can replicate this error by just creating a new dummy account.
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:22 pm
first use Language Manager to override this phrase
TPL_GK_LANG_ERROR_INFO = Oops, you've encountered an error
or better use your own language string.

Second, what e-mail ? for shop owner (from back-end) or buyer ?

If second answer check this:
1) if you have current version of VM ?
2) if you have current version of Template ?
3) Change template to default one and check again. If this problem will happen again it means it's bug of VM not from template we don't override whole component features only basic views.
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GK User
Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:39 am

The language error is weird, because in both the languages I have installed (en and pt), I have that string in the language files, so that should have worked. Anyway, doing an override fixed the issue (although it was suposed to be working unless I'm missing something).

Now about the error itself, I figured it out. I made a "Account Management" VirtueMart menu link named "Register" with a Guest permission (only to people that were not registered, but hidden from people that were already logged in) so people could fill in the adress details on register. The problem was that setting shipping adress details would redirect to that menu link (probably for SEO reasons) and that was not allowed.

TL;DR: Changing the permissions of the "Account Management" menu link to public, or unpublishing it resolves the issue.
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