Content doubled on most browsers

GK User
Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:50 pm
Hi. Aparently my template is doubling the content in the articles on most browsers (all except Chrome).

Whenever you click something with article, first it just gets the content normally, but if you reload the same link, the content appears doubled with some small CSS diferences (like text colors and such). I didn't understand when it happened because I have been developing in Chrome, the only one that doesen't have that problem.

What's wrong? Could it be some Module/Plugin compatibility?

You can check it out in: .
Don't forget that you need to load the page twice, and using a browser other than chrome (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera).

If you need to access the admin, you can use the default Gavick login.

Thank you.
Marco Roberto.
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GK User
Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:01 pm
I don't know it its a bug, but I think I "fixed" it. The problem was that one of the mobile templates was being echoed after the normal template (on the PC). I also found that this happened in some computers and not others. Rather weird bug (or maybe I messed with something that caused this, its possible).

Aparently the GK cache and the GK Extended Cache were being used, even though they were off in the template options. I fixed the problem by disabling them both in the Extensions Menu
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Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:44 pm

Yes, that's the correct solution. Unfortunatelly this options doesn;t work well in some PHP versions. We have fixed it in the newer templates, but some of the older templates (eSport) included may act as You described.

If You want to use cache than all files in /html/com_content or /html/com_k2 (depends what You are using) should be striped from <gavern:mobile></gavern:mobile> codes and everything between this tags.
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GK User
Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:42 am
Hi teitbite. Thanks for answering.

In what way does this (unpublishing the cache extensiosn) affect the usage of my website? Is it a significant problem? If not, I would just ignore it for now, but if its significant, I'll probably have to fix it later.
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Junior Boarder

Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:03 pm

Your site may show a little slower. I would suggest to edit this files and removed the part which shows double.
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