Cyberek wrote:Could you please create a screenshot of this problem on CloudHost?
Cyberek wrote:You have posted in CloudHost forum - perhaps I should move it to esport?
If its esport issue - please post a screenshot of this problem.
Cyberek wrote:I have no idea how to reproduce your problem.
on our demo server the buttons and elements render fine. Inside "store currencies" the are a little bit to left, but those elements are not centered - they are aligned left with the text above.
.button, input[type="submit"] {line-height: initial;}
Cyberek wrote:Please edit: /templates/gk_esport/css/override.css and add at its end:
- Code: Select all
.button, input[type="submit"] {line-height: initial;}
Remember to enable "CSS override" in template settings - advanced section.
Cyberek wrote:This might be a little more tricky, as it seems like iPad's (iOs in general) ignores styling applied to <button> element. Workaround would involve messing with core VM files what is not the best available solution .
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;