Linking image left sidebar to article

GK User
Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:06 am
I'm having the following problem. I've added an image in the left sidebar module and linked it with the jce editor linking tool to the article "dreamlights" which in his turn was saved in the "uncategorized" categorie. But when I click that image, the url changes to that of the dreamlight article but it keeps on showing the introtext. You can check out a demoversion of my website at
Can anyone help me out with this. Thanks a lot
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:40 am
I dont quite understand where problem lies.
You have an article, that can be accessed via: ... light.html
It shows image and wrapped text around it.
You have linked to it an image in sidebar.
What intro text do you refer to that should not show?
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