Change text

GK User
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:40 am

- How can i translate text in product page, for example: Rating, Manufacturer, Description, Reviews, There are yet no reviews for this product etc

- In breadcrumb: "You are here" and "Home" to site name?

- In front page: Discount

- In categories: Product Name +/- , Category, Manufacturer name

Thanks in advance
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Senior Boarder

Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:10 am

Most of the mentioned should be done with installing Virtuemart langiahe package with Your language. Words like "You are here" are a part of breadcrumbs module so should be translated with a new joomla language package. Please let me know when You will still see some untranslated sentences. The one which come with template will have to be translated manually in joomla language file for template.
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