i update after some actions i have done:
> I replaced the file:
components/com_virtuemart/controllers/cart.php with the old one
> updated the language pack of virtuemart
> translated some of the strings of el-gr.com_virtuemart.ini
and now i do have the continue link inside the facebox popup to point at my frontpage
But i have still some issues to solve:
1) look at the picture below
"continue shopping" and "show cart" buttons inside facebox are united because of the small size of facebox popup. I haven't located yet wich code to alter. Could you please advise?
2) In the cart page i can't make the price (i think its base price) to be visible to customer, as it used to be before update
3) there is a link (continue shopping) that i want to point it to front page
localhost 2013-7-25 16 10 13(1).png
thanks again