Could You please take it easy.
I'm trying to help and i'm sure that i do not have a crystal ball to imagine what's wrong.
Most of the blank page after the installation is caused by an error from PHP side which is not displayed because there is display_errors directive set as off in php.ini file. In this case, you have to switch on displaying errors (if you have access to php.ini file) or in index.php in the next line after:
- Code: Select all
Add the following fragment:
- Code: Select all
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
In other hand, if you have a white page with information about an error after template’s /Quickstart package installation, in most cases this message is connected with require_once function and inability of loading a file or information about inexistent class use. You have to upload file on a server once again because probably not all files were sent or saved correctly on your server.
If this doesn't help and if you have access to system logs, we can check error log where there should be all PHP errors written out with time and date its happening.