e-sport: problem wit shipment before editing adress inform.

GK User
Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:44 pm
I dont know why nobody answer my last post. I have a problem with template.

The problem is in this template www.climbe.pl. Please, try to by one shirt and see the buying steps from your cart to paying. The step 2 is not properly working.

Explanation form last post is below:

I have another problem with this template. I try to explain it clearly. Teoreticly, I am a client, and I am finally decided to buy one product. In product cart with all details, I clicked add to cart. After this the system is taking me to cart, where i have to define my shipment, payment etc. In your demo site I can click shioment, and choose one of two diferent shipments, before I fill all text areas with adress, telephone etc (Add/Edit billing address information ). After this the system is taking me to page where i can bill adress information. Later I can choose between register or buy like a guest.

But In my tamplete I cannot do this in this way. If client desnt define all billing areas (on the top of this page there are two options: bill to and ship to) before he choose shipment (he don't, because I didn't do it, and some people who testing it for me also didn't do it) the system is taking me to page with such message: "Please, choose shipment. For your lokalization we dont have any defined shipment. Please, contact with our customer service".

It is too complicated and customer will not do it corectly. before he choose shipment he must know that it is necessary to fill all text areas before he choose shipment. if he don't he recive this message and he leave my shop. He dont have to know how it work. If he miss this step, and this is really probably, the systems must give him the shipment choice and later takes him to edit billing adress information.

Please check it on your demo site. Your demo site, even though customer didnt fill this text areas, is taking a customer to next step, where he can choose the shipment and later he can fill this areas. In my shop it is not working.

This is a serious problem, because it must be really intitutive. I dont know how fix this problem.

Please, help me with this.

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Expert Boarder

Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:00 pm

Most probably you last post was bumped by you or someone so it disappeared from moderator panel as answered.

Anyway let back to the problem. Please try check if problem exists when you change a template to a default joomla.
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GK User
Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:48 pm

the problem is still there. I changed in VM template from gkesport to default (taki jak w joomla) and nothing changed.

Still I cannot define a shipment before editing adress.

please, help me.

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Expert Boarder

Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:05 am

Ok. This means that this is related with Virtuemart itself and not the style we've created for it. You need to ask on VM forum about this modification. Sorry but I"m not an expert if it comes to VM :(
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GK User
Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:27 am
teitbite wrote:Hi

Ok. This means that this is related with Virtuemart itself and not the style we've created for it. You need to ask on VM forum about this modification. Sorry but I"m not an expert if it comes to VM :(

ok.. i will ask about it, but tell me how did you do it in your demo site. In demo e-sport this problem doesnt exist.

I cannot understand it. Maybe if I see how it is configurated in demo I will do it properly in my tempalte? Maybe I made some mistakes in configuration shipment, product or something else? Can you make for me screenshots from administration panel in VM? I will configurate it exacly in the same way as in your demo, and then the problem will be solved? What do you think?

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Expert Boarder

Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:53 pm

I'm not sure exacly about which configuration panel we are talking about, because like I've said I'm not an expert in VM. But if You would like to see a demo, than please install quickstart package of this template and You will see that it's an exact copy of a demo site, so You will be able to check any settings.
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GK User
Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:30 pm
The problem is solved. There was a problem with weight parameters. I changed it again and evrything starts working.

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Expert Boarder

Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:14 pm

Ok. It's good to know it's solved. If You have any other issues please just ask.
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