Here are the related informations regarding this post:
Joomla! 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.4
eSports 2.10 (quickstart version)
We have encountered few errors with cart page. Here are our taxes settings:
TPS/GST (tax per bill) 5%
TVQ/PST (price modifier after tax per bill) 9.5%
We have attached 2 images:
cart_error_680px.png shows how the cart display taxes. As you notice, "TPS/GST" cell under "TVA" (or Tax) column is empty, which is supposed to show $0.62. "TVQ/PST" cell under "TVA" column is also empty, which is supposed to show $1.25. "Total TTC" cell under TVA column shows $0.62 but is supposed to show $1.87.
The column "Remise" (or Discount) is supposed to be empty.
Finally, "Total TTC" column does'nt $0.62 in "TPS/GST" cell.
Please have a look at cart_fixed_flat_680px.png image which demonstrate how taxes should be displayed.
Thanks in advance for you help!