i have upgraded the gk news show. Now my styling is completely messed up, borders not aligning, etc, etc. strange paddings...
i've downgraded again, but it all remains the same...
therefore some help is needed. please pm me guys...
regards emel
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:01 pm
attached an image of my current view.
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:20 am
Same problem here unfortunately.
I just upgraded to latest NSP 3.3 on eSport (V 2.10) and now NSP layout in Normal mode (Virtuemart categories) is all over the place. Columns no longer seem to work as I have it set to 3 x rows and 4 columns but it displays 1 x column of 12 x items directly under each other (left aligned).
Looks like it might be issues with existing gk.stuff.css and the VM Elements?
I haven't rolled back yet as I'm trying to fix it myself but any assistance from the developers to save me some time would be appreciated. Thanks.
Just for the record - carloshedzm is right that NSP 3.1.3 doesn't display correctly in IE9. That was the reason I updated to NSP 3.3 in the first place.
Junior Boarder
GK User
Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:52 am
yesss! installed the earlier version and back to normal again .
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:22 am
Nearly fixed.
Here's an interesting observation: By default, when I installed NSP 3.3, "External Files" -> "Using JS Module" was set to "Automatic". Use Default CSS was "ON". I saved the module settings to that config. Styling was everywhere and columns disappeared.
I changed External Files -> Using JS Module to Force Enabled then saved and the columns returned. Styling is still not perfect but nothing that can't be fixed with a little of CSS tweaking. While Force Enabled was on, it did however stop another module on the site from working.
I then changed External Files -> Using JS Module to Force Disabled and columns still working and the module that was failing is back working again.
I cleaned the cache between each save.
Not sure what has happened but things seem to be working now? It's even working on IE9 which previous versions were not.
Just clean up the CSS a bit and all should be good.
Junior Boarder
GK User
Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:14 pm
fyi: the layout is okay again, but getting a scrolling module (with the arrows, pagination), no way... when can we expect a good fix....?