As I already read in the forum : esport is one of the slowest templates from GK. What is the reason ? Can we speed template in some ways ?
For example I have gk_mystore on the same server, and difference in speed between mystore and esport is huge.
Don Lee wrote:Hi,
Thanks for the PM, I have just checked but I couldn't found any problem when the cache plugins were enabled. Besides, I have moved the plugins to bottom of the list to avoid some problems.
If you see the problems again, please take a screenshot to show it to me.
Don Lee wrote:Hi,
I have just checked the site again and seen that you have moved the cache plugins to very top of the list, this could cause a lot of problems because cache plugins should work last when everything is generated.
Don Lee wrote:I see problems with that plugin now, please keep it disabled temporarily, I'm gonna report it to our developers to check and fix soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I've switched template to Beez and disabled our cache plugins but use the default Joomla one - effect is the same looks like products are not removed from cart. I think that in this case the cache should be disabled, the changes in cart are with ajax and this is why the Joomla cache system don't detect changes to overwrite page in cache.
Right now, I don't see any solution for this, maybe custom field in cache plugin options to exclude pages.
BTW tell user to update language file properly because he has many translation problems in admin panel.
Don Lee wrote:I have just received an email from a developer regarding this problem:
BTW tell user to update language file properly because he has many translation problems in admin panel.
Don Lee wrote:I'm not sure what to fix, first please keep your template, cache plugin up to date, there must be a lot of bug fixes included to speed it up as well.
teitbite wrote:Hi
I was asked to join the discussion.
I've checked Vaičikonis site and a time from test is 3.5s when cached by browser but sure without cache it took almost 10s. Anyway a number of files which needs to be loaded is big. All this product images and additional javascripts takes time to load. I advice to use some plugin which will merge all js and css into one. This will speed it up a lot. Also try to use a different style for Image Show. This one cannot be used on all websites. It slows browsers is too many parts is choosen which makes it look loading slower.
the problem : if I add something into basket next visitor also has the same basket content. I thought that this is only on the same computer different browsers, but this is also true for other computers as well.
So I turned this plugin off. Please check the problem more deeply. Thanks!
teitbite wrote:Hi
What is the problem with GK Cache plugin ? I'm using it all the time. Anyway I know one issue which is a problem when Joomla Cache and GK Cache are working together. Try disable joomla cache.
On top of all, cache is not everything. It speeds up the proces of load elements, but if there is too many elements to load than cache will only be able to help a little. True solution to speed is using as less elements as possible, which means to merge css and javascript files, also css images loading from one image where possible is a good solution. Unfortunately merging images require a lot of work, but js and css are not a big deal when You use JFinalizer or JOptimization plugins. Please try that.
teitbite wrote:Hi
Ok. I would try to disable GK cache than and use the one provided by joomla. Unfortunately with some server configuration this cache does problems. You will notice it if content will be displaying double.
Anyway with JOptimization plugin I think there is no need for cache form template and joomla it has it's own system (or maby it was JFinalizer, sorry I do not remember right now).
I've switched template to Beez and disable our cache plugins but use the default Joomla one - effect is the same looks like products are not removed from cart. I think that in this case the cache should be disabled, the changes in cart are with ajax and this is why the Jooml cache system don't detect changes to overwrite page in cache.
teitbite wrote:Hi
Looks like Don already reported it for You and programmers found that the issue is with joomla cache not our addon.I've switched template to Beez and disable our cache plugins but use the default Joomla one - effect is the same looks like products are not removed from cart. I think that in this case the cache should be disabled, the changes in cart are with ajax and this is why the Jooml cache system don't detect changes to overwrite page in cache.
teitbite wrote:Hi
An answer from programmers is that our plugin is just a small override to orginal joomla cache, so it's using joomla cache functionality even if it's disabled. But please make a simple test and check with our cache plugin disabled and joomla cache enabled if it's acting differently. Than I'll let programmers know that problem has to be in this override.