Hello I have problems with routing and SEF with joomla 2.5 and latest version of esport template
you can check by yourself at www.modacalcio.it
path to category is created with a very long (and wrong) url
Let's look at following example. The problem seems to be the path of a category ( field path in #__menu table ) :
~~~~~~~~~New menu voice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name -- League
Language -- English
Alias -- search-football-shirt-by-league
Level -- Main
Link -- index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=categories&virtuemart_category_id=314
~~~~~~ On Database table #__menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
path --- campionato/serie-a/search-football-shirt-by-league/suche-produkt-nach-liga/serie-a/Ligue/serie-a ---> ?? mixed language with a sub category wrongly in - It uses all other alias of same category in other languages
All the rest remains the same
~~~~~~~~~New menu SUB voice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name -- English League
Language -- English
Alias -- search-football-shirt-by-premier-league-english-league
Level -- Under League ( previously created voice )
Link -- index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=306
~~~~~~ On Database table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
path --- serie-a/Ligue/serie-a/suche-produkt-nach-liga/search-football-shirt-by-league/serie-a/campionato/search-football-shirt-by-premier-league-english-league/sconti-maglie-calcio-liga-spagnola/suche-fussball-trikot-rabatt-nach-spanien-liga-team/spanish-Ligue-football-maillots-rabais ---> ?? Again mixed language with a sub with parent alias in all languages and also child alias in all languages . Also other category alias is used!
All the rest remains the same