Checkout Steps with VM

GK User
Mon May 14, 2012 7:18 pm
So I was wondering if there was any way to change the checkout steps. The way it's currently setup is you hit check out now button > Enter your billing info > then it sends you back to cart page then you click check out button again > then it just reloads page and says click confirm order again.

Basically I find this kind of odd how it doesn't take you though the steps like any other checkout I have ever seen as this one just keeps sending you back to the cart page and may be confusing to some customers.

Like it you checkout with Boutique template is goes through the steps like Step 1 > Step 2 > Step 3 etc without sending you back to cart page every time.

So would like it to be where you hit check out in cart then billing info pops up then hit next then credit card info pops up hit next then confirm order.

Feel like Gavick got lazy with the part? I have just never seen a checkout like this and it's kind of odd.
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Senior Boarder

Thu May 17, 2012 6:28 pm

This is a standard VM functionality. We just made a style to make it look matching the template. On boutique a default shop component used is a REDshop, so that's why it looks different.
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