It looks like either VM or Gavick have changed the way the pricing is labeled in the database hence causing the problem in the cart. Nevertheless, I have found a simple fix.
To fix the issue with the cart, as per the above image, go to -> VM configuration->Pricing and have the following ticked/checked:
Tax Amount
Final Sales Price
Show Tax in Cart
Previously only "Final Sales Price" and "Show Tax in Cart" was needed to be checked and this would populate the rest of the information in the cart. But this appears to now be changed in VM 2.0.4.
However, now all your products in the category pages will have the tax amount listed below each product and also on each product page, which you may not want to have included. You can edit that out if you do not want it displayed.
For the Categories:
Go to vm.css and on line 1145, change to:
- Code: Select all
.catProductPrice .PricetaxAmount {
font-size: 0px;
line-height: 0;
color: #b6b6b6
For the Product Display:
Go to vm.css and on line 1013, change to:
- Code: Select all
.product-price {
margin:0 0 15px;
padding: 0px 20px;
line-height: 0em;
background: #fff;
font-size: 0px;
(Please note if you have more pricing options selected in VM config, other than the ones listed I have listed above, such as "Salesprice without Tax", changing the ".product-price" will also delete that information, which also lists above the Final Sales price. This is because all of these other pricing options also refer to ".product-price" in the CSS as their reference on how to display. So keep this in mind when you make the change. See the image below for more information.)
Hope this information helps someone out there.