On the e-sport quickstart, there is one last step to perform on this file:
First, that file does not exist, but a virtuemart.cfg does exist.
Second, the following lines do not exist in this file:
/ / These path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
define ('URL','');
define ('SECUREURL','');
Which states to fill them our like this:
Add your URL or path to your website, like this example shows: / / These path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
define ('URL','http://www.yourwebsite.com/joomla/');
define ('SECUREURL','http://www.yourwebsite.com/joomla/');
Just need to confirm are these "define" paths to be added to this file or should they already exist in the virtuemart.cfg file?