**__** How to add modules in menus.
A. Modules
1. Create your modules and publish each module in each menux position. e.g
module1 in menu1 position
module2 in menu2 position
module3 in menu3 position
2. Make sure all modules created in step1 are assigned to show in all pages. Once you have it confirmed working you can then assign whichever page you want them to show on.
B. Menus
1. Create or edit your main menu item and set its column parameters to the number of modules you want to display. In this example i use 3. When i say main menu item this is the item when mouse hovers will display modules.
My main item called "modules"
2. Create sub menu items for above steps, items can be anything. I created 3 sub menu items linking to joomla articles.
3. Set above sub menu items parameters as below.
Parent Item : As Main item you set in menu step1.
Menu Params (GavickPro) > Show title : No
Menu Params (GavickPro) > Sub Content: Module Position
Menu Params (GavickPro) > Select Position: menux ( replace x with your menu1 or menu2 depending on item )
So in my example i have 3 sub menu items named;
item1 set to menu1
item2 set to menu2
item3 set to menu3
Now your modules should display next to each other.
**__** How to add "colw1=100". Well you can't. What you can do is use custom suffix. So going by my above examples here is what you can do.
1. In Step B-1 Menus > Main item , which i used "modules" click to edit its settings.
2. Add a class to main item, when adding class you can use any name. Make sure to add an empty space in front of your class name.
Menu Params (GavickPro) > Additional Class: test
3. Enable override css.
Joomla Admin > Extensions > Template Manager > GK Template Name Default > Advanced Settings > Css Override "on".
4. Open \templates\gk_esport\css\override.css and add following code. You can use any css parameters. Replace .test with your class name you set in step 2.
In my example i have changed the width to 800px so modules box becomes 800px and set each module container itself to 30% width of 800px. Use !important parameter so your setting doesn't inherit values from other css class.
- Code: Select all
/* Sub Content Container */
.test div.childcontent .childcontent-inner-wrap{ width: 800px!important; }
/* Each module column property */
.test div.childcontent .gkcol { width: 30%!important; }
**__** Changing green background color in sub menu hover.
Add following css in to your override.css file and change colors or add extra css parameters to your requirements.
- Code: Select all
/* Green Background in sub menu containers */
#gkMainMenu > div.gk-menu > ul div.childcontent-inner-wrap { background: #000; }
/* Thin line on top of each menu item */
#gkMainMenu > div.gk-menu > ul div.childcontent li { border-top: 1px solid #fff; }
If i missed something let me know and see you around...